What is Inner Harmony?
By Brad Bell
One important concept is inner harmony. What is inner harmony? Below is one possible definition of inner harmony.
Inner Harmony Definition:
Inner harmony is a feeling of peace of mind that involves self-acceptance, acceptance of the past, and acceptance of one's life in general.
Elements of Inner Harmony:
In order to have a better understanding of the concept of inner harmony, it is important gain an understanding of the elements included in the above definition of inner harmony. The four elements include a peace of mind, self-acceptance, acceptance of the past, and acceptance of one's life in general. I provide information on these elements below.
Peace of Mind:
What is peace of mind? Peace of mind is the subjective experience of a calmness of the mind. You are not generally worrying about the events in your life.
What is self-acceptance? Self-acceptance is being able to accept who you are. An important element of the definition of self-acceptance may involve being able to accept your weaknesses. You can accept that you are just average on some attributes. If you accept yourself, you do not set unrealistic goals for yourself. You would not expect your novel to be accepted by a major publisher if you are only an average writer.
Acceptance of the Past:
Another element of inner harmony is acceptance of the past. If you accept the past, you do not have significant regret about the past. If you accept the past, you don't often reflect on how your life might have been better.
Acceptance of One's Life in General:
Acceptance of one's life in general may involve finding meaning in life. In my book, Finding Meaning (Bell, 2007) I describe seven possible sources of finding meaning in life. In my utopian, science fiction novel, A Bright Purple Sky (Bell, 2019), there is information on three types of meaning: everday meaning, social meaning, and higher meaning.
Bell, B. (2007). Finding meaning (3rd. ed.). Portland, OR: Blue Fox Communications.
Bell, B. (2019). A Bright Purple Sky. Portland, Oregon: Blue Fox Communications.
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